5 Tibetan Rites Step-by-Step Instructions
How to get the incredible benefits of the rejuvenating Five Tibetan Exercises: age reversal, restored hormonal health, easier weight loss and more!
The most important thing you should know is that the 5 Tibetan Rites work in conjunction with each other, so if you want to fully experience the remarkable benefits of these ancient Five Tibetan exercises it’s best to do all five of them daily (download a free poster of the Five Tibetan Rites below):
However, if you are extremely overweight don’t do Rites #4 and #5 until you’ve developed enough core strength.
Before giving you the detailed description so you can do each of the 5 rites correctly, here are three practical tips to keep in mind:
Tip #1. If your physical condition is average, start with just 5-7 repetitions for each of the 5 Tibetan Rites and build to the full set of 21 adding 2-3 more repetitions each week.
It’s much more important to take your time and focus on doing the exercises correctly, rather than pushing yourself to achieve doing the full set in the shortest amount of time. Then, as you reach the maximum recommended of 21 repetitions for each of the 5 Tibetan Rites, this whole workout won’t take you more than 10 minutes.
Tip #2. Avoid doing the Rites in the evening because they build a lot of energy that lasts for hours and you’ll find it hard to fall asleep. It’s best to do these powerful, energy-generating Five Tibetan exercises early in the day. Why? Because they’ll raise your metabolism for the rest of the day and as a result, your body will burn more fat.
However, do them after your morning shower, as water dissipates the prana (life energy) that this workout builds. If you do the Tibetan 5 Rites correctly you should not sweat, so not showering after them shouldn’t be a problem.
Tip #3. Perform the 5 Tibetans on an empty stomach, in a well-ventilated area (outside if possible, but NOT in the sun) and wear comfortable, loose clothing.
Let’s go now to the step-by-step instructions for the 5 Tibetan Rites.
1. First Rite: Clockwise Spin

Stand upright and extend your arms at shoulder level away from your body, palms facing down, keeping your fingers together.
Start turning clockwise (to the right) while inhaling deeply through your nose during the first spin.
TIP: To avoid getting dizzy, keep your eyes fixed on one point, for example your right hand’s little finger.
Stop when you’ve completed 21 turns of this first exercise of the 5 Tibetan Rites.
As you stand up, allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while breathing deeply a couple of times and feeling the sensations in your body before moving to the Second Rite.
2. Second Rite: Leg Raise

Lay flat on the floor on a rug or mat, on your back with your legs straight and your arms to your side palms down, keeping your fingers together.
While inhaling deeply through your nose, lift your legs and head simultaneously, tucking your chin into your chest.
Keep your legs straight and try to extend them towards your head.
While exhaling through your mouth, slowly lower the legs and head returning to the initial position of laying flat on the floor.
After completing 21 repetitions of this Second Rite, stand up and allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while feeling the sensations in your body and breathing deeply a couple of times before moving to the Third Rite.
3. Third Rite: Kneeling Backbend

Kneel on the floor with your your spine straight, legs together, toes curled. Tuck your chin against your chest and place your hands on the backs of your thighs.
While inhaling deeply through your nose, raise your head up while leaning back bringing your shoulder blades together, craning your head and neck backwards as far as you comfortably can, relaxing your lower spine and supporting your weight with your hands braced against your thighs.
Do not strain.
Time your inhale so that your lungs are full when you reach all the way back position.
While exhaling forcefully through your mouth with your face and cheeks relaxed, start to come forward back to your starting position, with your chin tucked against your chest.
Time your exhale so that your lungs are completely empty when your head has returned to the starting position.
After completing 21 repetitions of this Third Rite, stand up and allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while feeling the sensations in your body and breathing deeply a couple of times before moving to the Fourth Rite.
4. Fourth Rite: Table Top

Sit on the floor with your spine erect, legs straight, a little less than shoulder-width apart, arms to your side, palms down, fingers together, chin tucked against your chest.
While breathing out, raise your buttocks off the floor while bending your knees, shifting your weight to your arms and legs, continuing to raise your buttocks until your trunk and thighs are straight and parallel to the floor, letting your head go back as far as you comfortably can.
As you breathe in, return gently to your initial sitting position with your head dropped forward, chin tucked against your chest.
After completing 21 repetitions of this Fourth Rite, stand up and allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while feeling the sensations in your body and breathing deeply a couple of times before moving to the Fifth Rite.
5. Fifth Rite: Pendulum

Get down on the floor on your hands and knees (in push-up position), with your hands and legs a little less than shoulder-width apart.
While exhaling, come up on your toes shifting your weight in your arms, straighten your legs, arch your spine, bend your head back. Do not let your body touch the ground except for your curled toes and hands during this last exercise of the 5 Tibetan Rites.
While inhaling, bend at the hips, push your buttocks up into the air making an inverted V-shape with your legs and arms straight, while tucking your chin toward your chest and trying to put the soles of your feet flat on the floor.
Then, while exhaling, return to your starting position (arms supporting your weight and head pulled towards your back).
After completing 21 repetitions of the Fifth Rite, lay flat on the floor on your stomach with your arms stretched out from side to side, your head to one side and your eyes closed. Feel the sensations in your body. Relax fully waiting until your heart beat and breathing return to normal.
Finishing Up the 5 Tibetan Rites
After you complete the exercises, simply walk around and stretch a bit for half a minute and then go on about your day.
Beside getting into shape, boosting your energy, toning your body, kicking your body’s metabolism and fat-burning in just 10 minutes on a busy schedule, one of the main conveniences of the 5 Tibetan Yogic Rites is that you can do them at home, in your backyard, in a hotel room, in the park, on the beach or even at the office – if you have enough space for your mat.
It doesn’t really matter where you do them; as long as you are consistent you too will experience the astonishing health benefits of these five Tibetan Exercises >>