Turmeric and Honey: The most powerful antibiotic that doctors can’t explain

Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That Doctors Can’t Explain

While conventional antibiotics are extremely overused, natural remedies such as honey and turmeric are highly beneficial and improve health in numerous ways. Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, found that honey destroyed every bacteria or pathogen they tested it on. Researchers found that it can be applied topically and taken internally.

According to Dr.Dee Carter:

“Our research is the first to clearly show that these honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and equipment such as catheters. Using honey as an intermediate treatment could also prolong the life of antibiotics.”

On the other hand, turmeric is another natural miracle with a myriad of health benefits. Its most important compounds are called curcuminoids, and it has powerful healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The combination of these two is the most powerful antibiotic we can use. It is also known as Golden Honey and has been commonly used in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years. Recently, its use has grown exponentially in Western medicine and nutrition.

According to BenefitsOfHoney, this combination is “an invaluable natural remedy for a myriad of ailments and diseases including indigestion, cold, flu, asthma, hypertension, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, depression and anxiety, inflammation of wounds and burns, eczema, psoriasis and acne, and aging(protects the liver and kidneys). “

Moreover, TurmericForHealth adds:

“A study has shown that an Ayurvedic medicine containing turmeric and honey as two of the active ingredients stimulated the production and functionality of immune cells and thus, could result in improved immunity against diseases.

Combining turmeric with honey enhances its anti-microbial activity. They can together act against a variety of bacterial and fungal strains known to cause infections in humans.”


“Turmeric, along with honey can improve skin hydration and elasticity and contribute to a better skin health. Turmeric and honey are useful in treating oral mucositis which occurs as a complication of cancer treatments.”

Here is how to prepare it:

Turmeric Infused Honey


  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric(of therapeutic quality )
  • ¼ cup raw honey
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil (optional)


Mix the ingredients, stir well, and cover. Store the mixture at room temperature, and stir it before each use. To fight the flu or a cold, take half a teaspoon of the mixture, several times daily.

Source: Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That not even Doctors Can Explain – Healthy Food House

Detox and Relieve Constipation with this Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey Drink!

The compound If you just got back from vacation, or you haven’t been making the healthiest food choices lately and you’re feeling a little weighed down, there’s a natural remedy that can help. A colon cleanse can be used to flush toxins from the body and restore the digestive system after a weekend or a few days of overindulging, and this one only contains two ingredients, both of which you may already have in your home!

Apple Cider Vinegarapple cider vinegar

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has a long list of uses, especially for those who prefer to use natural remedies. Not all apple cider vinegar is created equal, so make sure you buy the organic, raw, unfiltered kind. The nutritional benefits haven’t been filtered out, so the unfiltered particles will provide your body with the most benefits. Apple cider vinegar contains a bacteria known as acetobacter. This is a “friendly” bacteria that breaks down food in the gut.

The antibiotic properties of apple cider vinegar can help improve the acid content in the stomach, reducing heartburn and acid reflux. There are several antioxidants in apple cider vinegar that work to keep the body healthy, including catechin, gallic acid, caffeic and chlorogenic acids. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can even increase the body’s absorption of important minerals from the food you eat to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your leafy greens!


Organic, raw, unprocessed honey provides many excellent health benefits, partly in thanks to a phenolic compound it contains, known as eugenol. The compound Eugenol has been shown to have anti-tumor properties. The active compounds in raw honey are believed to help kill cancer cells in the body, making it a great addition to a colon cleanse. Unfiltered honey also provides the body with probiotics, which help to restore healthy bacteria to the digestive system. These friendly bacteria help the body digest food and absorb nutrients.

Signs You May Need a Colon Cleanse

Toxicity from a blocked colon can cause several health issues. A combination of these problems could mean that your colon needs cleansing:

  • Constipation – This could result from a bad diet, stress or chemicals and other toxic substances that cause the colon to try and protect itself by producing more mucus, which eventually builds up on the bowel walls.
  • Aches – Headaches, backaches and sciatic pain may be the result of an impacted colon.
  • Fatigue – Toxic residue in your colon can circulate through the blood to all parts of the body, causing fatigue.
  • Odor – Bad breath, body odor and gas can occur when the colon releases toxic gas into the body.
  • Acne – A clogged colon can cause toxins to overwhelm the pores and cause acne.


Natural Colon Cleanse


  • 8 ounces of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of organic raw apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of organic raw honey


  1. Shake the apple cider vinegar to mix up the unfiltered part that settles at the bottom.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 8 ounces of warm water.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of raw honey to the mixture.
  4. Stir the mixture until the honey dissolves.
  5. Drink each morning or any time throughout the day.

Power of Positivity
David Wolfe
Reader’s Digest
Medical Daily
David Wolfe



Manuka honey Kills Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Could Throw At It

special manuka honeyThe health benefits of raw, unprocessed honey are well known, but in Australia, scientists recently made a startling discovery – that one particular, obscure type of honey is capable of killing just about everything scientists throw at it, including some of the worst bacteria known to man.

The findings were published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (June 2009 edition)and could hold special significance at a time when many of the world’s top antibiotics are failing, especially against resistant “superbugs.”

The honey in question is known as Manuka honey, which is produced in New Zealand and also goes by the name of jelly bush honey.

The honey has become so popular in the past few years that shortages have been reported and fake products have been sold, leading New Zealand manuka producers to seek trademark protection (similar to French champagne or Scottish whiskey for example). It’s easy to see why now that the secret is out about this honey’s incredible health benefits.

Manuka honey has a darker pigment than most traditional honey
Manuka honey has a darker pigment than most traditional honey

Manuka Honey Kills MRSA, Other Superbugs 

Manuka honey is created by bees foraging on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium, the New Zealand manuka bush, as well as tea trees native only to Australia and New Zealand.

In the aforementioned studies, Australian researchers found that the honey killed every bacteria or pathogen it was tested on, according to a report by The AustralianThe honey can be applied topically to help fight against infections of the skin, cuts and insect bites, or taken internally.

The most exciting difference with the manuka honey that was tested is that none of superbugs killed by the honey were able to build up immunity, a common problem with today’s antibiotics.

“New antibiotics tend to have short shelf lives, as the bacteria they attack quickly become resistant,” said Dr. Dee Carter of the University of Sydney’s School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences. “Many large pharmaceutical companies have abandoned antibiotic production because of the difficulty of recovering costs. Developing effective alternatives could therefore save many lives.”

According to Dr. Carter the manuka honey contains a compound called methyglyoxal, that combines with other unknown compounds to cause “multi-system failure” that destroys the bacteria.

Where to Find Manuka Honey 

When looking for manuka honey it is best to look for one that is UMF certified.

The term UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor, which is the phytochemical property derived from the manuka bushes that gives it its unique properties. This term is regulated by the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association of New Zealand.

The brand Watson & Son is available on https://fullercarbon.com and is UMF certified. One particular customer said that it this type of honey helped to erase their MRSA:

I had done a fair amount of research when a friend of ours got MRSA, and then, unfortunately, I got it too., said user JoshuaOne9 on Amazon. Thankfully, I had already done the research so I knew exactly what to do. As soon as I saw the red bump (thinking the first day that it was a mosquito bite) I scratched it, but the second day I realized that it had to be something else. My husband immediately knew what it was since we had been dealing with our friend’s case of MRSA. I got my hands on this Manuka honey and put on the area of skin that was affected and then it is very important that you cover it with a bandaid. Within hours I felt relief and within a few days it was completely gone…

While further research needs to be done, it’s safe to say that manuka honey shows plenty of promise in defeating one of the biggest health challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century, and this research should not be taken lightly.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent disease. Consult a licensed naturopathic doctor before making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Source: althealthworks.com
Images: Wikimedia Commons

Cleanse Your Lungs With Honey-Water

You have probably heard about honey’s health benefits, but have you ever heard about healing properties of honey-water?

How to prepare honey-water

Put one teaspoon of honey in a glass of fresh lukewarm water and mix. You will get a 30% honey mixture which has identical composition as blood plasma. Honey creates a cluster compound in the water which increases this mixture’s health benefits. Honey-water is easily absorbed by our organism.

Honey-water’s healing powers

It normalizes digestion process, which means it puts an end to the “lazy intestines” problem.

It strengthens the immune system, treats clods, is great against bronchitis and it cleanses mucus in the lungs.

Cleanses the digestive tract of parasites and prevents their breeding. It also cleanses the intestines of toxin deposits.

In the beginning you will notice increasing of your waist line but do not worry. This happens because fecal sediments swell, become softer, therefore their process of exiting the body starts.

The process of cleansing cells in our organism starts. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties increase.

Colon’s work is normalized. Honey-water will help in the process of rejuvenating colon’s micro flora and eliminating bacteria.

This mixture can help in preventing the unpleasant and uncontrolled night urination. Honey collects water, which means the kidneys are not over worked.

How to consume honey-water

For preventive purposes, drink the honey-water in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure you drink it fast. The stomach valve opens immediately and the water quickly enters in the intestines.

From this point on, water is entering our blood stream. Honey-water should be consumed in the morning and in the evening. You will not have any problems if you drink this beverage in the evening because it soothes kidney’s work.

Make sure you always drink freshly prepared honey-water.

You can use this mixture to clean your face because it will make your skin softer, shinier and silky. Honey-water is great natural cosmetics and it is the oldest, yet most modern at the same time.

Reference: Healthy Food Star; | Buy organic honey on Amazon;