Conquer Fear & Live Free – Towards Healthcare Emancipation

Conquer fear & live free
Are we really helpless?
Are you tired of watching the constant barrage of men in yellow suits transporting “Ebola” carriers from Africa?
Due to our relative ignorance about our body’s basic internal operations, we are left without any option other than to seek “professional help” at the slightest symptoms of a disease.
The discussion about our own anatomy, especially in the context of healthcare, is heavily mystified and deliberately made more complicated than it really is, effectively preventing us from fully understanding the whole subject. Moreover, there seems to be a concerted effort to disrespect the sanctity of the human body altogether.
But is healthcare really that hard to learn?
Besides, when government and relevant institutions seem to be lacking the needed resolve to end these healthcare problems for good, isn’t it time for us to act and do something?
Isn’t it time for us to bypass these Middlemen?
We were taught that the human body is a very complex assembly of gazillion delicate parts, and learning about them may take a lifetime. It may be true if the goal is to manipulate or modify their inherent forms and functions. But if the purpose is healthcare then our job is undoubtedly much simpler.
Here’s why…

When it comes to taking care of our own body, there are only three (3) things that we must be aware of:
Auto-Immune System
The immune system is a complex defense mechanism which protects us from any parasitic infection, e.g. viral, bacterial, and pathogenic. Our body is doing this critical function continuously even without our conscious will to do it.
Homeostasis is the body’s self-regulating processes which maintain chemical balance, among others, to preserve stability while dynamically adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival. Psychological stress may cause chemical imbalance but, just like the auto-immune system, organs responsible for homeostasis will restore the chemical balance in time. Our body is doing this critical function continuously without our conscious will to do it.
To some degree, our own body has the ability to repair itself, e.g. wound and fracture healing, and just like the first two critical functions, it is doing this nature’s wonder without our conscious will to do it.
Our body knows exactly how to take good care of itself, every single cell in it…
… and we don’t need to be an “expert” to help it cure whatever ailment it may be suffering from.
All we need to do is to refrain from further aggravating any undesirable condition we might have by avoiding the use of chemicals and radioactive diagnostics, and by refusing invasive surgery except in extreme cases of physical trauma.
Eventually, our own body may develop resistance to an infection by producing antibodies in time. Similarly, the human body will also develop resistance to any toxic chemicals including those coming from administered antibiotics themselves!
These are all natural immunoresponse mechanisms that should not be attenuated by any artificial means. The discovery of antibiotic resistance marked the end of modern medicine as we know it.
The mainstream discussion about every disease is so overblown; it is flooded with fatalistic statistics rather than the honest exploration of the solution itself.
The overall effect is the birth of unwarranted fear and panic which would then create a “need for institutionalized expert advice” followed by chemical and invasive interventions. The conventional modalities effectively bypass intelligent and scientific home-based alternatives.
It is important to understand that there used to be only three (3) general causes of human ailments. But recent findings indicate a new and deceptive cancer inducing weapon has arrived:
All live organisms feeding through our body for their own survival are considered collectively as parasites. We keep accumulating them from the day we were born, and throughout the years we’ve been breathing life on this planet.
Toxic Chemicals
Any chemicals that are taken excessively, or those that should not have been in our body in the first place, are considered toxic and should be removed by a method that truly neutralizes them for good.
Energy Depletion
Inadequate rest and bad nutrition deplete the energy supply which the immune system and all other systems require for their proper and optimal operation. These are the primary causes by which our body’s auto-defense and auto-repair mechanisms become dysfunctional.
Electromagnetic Pollution
The use of mobile or wireless gadgets, e.g. cell phones and laptops, has brought us convenience in the way we intercourse with society. But the grave dangers of its prolonged use are just starting to surface. more »
There is no such thing as spontaneous cellular deterioration.
All diseases are caused and our body has the ability to cure itself from them. In fact, mainstream scientists have recently discovered a dwarf tapeworm causing cancer tumors in one patient.
Every cell in the body, being the fundamental unit of life, has enough intelligence to take good care of itself. It has the ability to breathe in from freshly oxygenated blood, feed from available nutrients flowing with the blood and excretes wastes by itself which are then carried away during the blood’s return trip into our bio-filter system, i.e. liver, kidneys and the spleen . It also has the versatility to transform itself into whatever tissue that any organ requires, e.g. wound and bone fracture healing.
All human cells die off only when oxygen and nutrient supplies are depleted, or are subjected to persistent parasitic attack, or under heavy chemical intoxication, but certainly not of aging. It is the imperfection of their environment that causes them to fail, rather than our illusory perception of the passing of time.
The human body could suffer only when there is:
- a sustained parasitic replication,
- massive chemical intoxication, and;
- inadequate supply of energy,
… in which time all three critical systems (i.e. auto-immune, homeostasis, and auto-regeneration) start to fail and diseases start to manifest.
The only logical solutions are those non-toxic, non-invasive treatments that the mainstream institutions could not provide, or are hesitant to do so, aside from the fact that some of these drug companies are fully documented to have deliberately contaminated their vaccines with live viruses and toxic chemicals, while relevant institutions turn a blind eye [here].
Worse, these institutions are even making these deadly vaccines mandatory through state legislations and outright blackmail via threat of public school defunding!
I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry that do nothing but annihilate the population of this world. Dr. John Rengen Virapen
Does it make sense if i told you, “You’re really sick. I’ve got an idea, let me poison you?” Dr. Thomas Lodi
The most logical treatments for any disease, of whatever severity, should exclude the use of toxic chemicals and radioactive diagnostics. They should not include invasive surgery either because it would affect the normal operations of the organs as delicate nerves are needlessly cut-off and neural communication is impractically severed.
The most logical treatments should have the following characteristics:
- They should enhance the operation of the immune system and not hamper the normal operation of the organs, which should make recovery possible..
- They should promote chemical balance rather than aggravate the dire condition any further through trial and error, “carpet bombing” scheme via measured doses of poison casually labeled as antibiotics.
- Above all, the treatments should respect the inherent expertise of our body in restoring its normal condition by itself.
All the cells that make up the whole organism called human being have already mastered the art of survival long before we even discovered their existence and identified some of their functions. In fact, we have yet to fully determine and understand what they are truly capable of.
Allow the body to cure itself naturally…
… as it is more intelligent than our conscious mind will ever be in defending itself from any diseases, and only use those interventions that avoid worsening the condition. Stay away from those concoctions which may have caused the ailments in the first place.
Do these logical treatments exist?
Yes, they’ve been here all along, and some of the reasons why they are not made available are that they are too easy and less costly to implement which would surely affect the profitability of the “healthcare” industry, consequently reducing the tax collection of the government.
Beyond good and adequate nutrition, sufficient rest, and regular exercise, which should eliminate energy depletion as the primary factor contributing to the reduction of our resistance to all forms of infections, the most logical treatments only involve the right application of Basic Science, like so:
Chemical Neutralization
There are at least three (3) most common causes of chemical intoxication:
- high level of acidity
- heavy metals
- radioactivity
Neutralizing High Acidity & Radioactivity
If a person is sickly, there’s a very high chance that his blood pH is lower than normal, i.e. acidic. In fact, most cancer patients do.
Based on the chart below, the antidote to acid is alkaline or base. So, in order to raise your pH towards alkalinity you need to have an alkaline diet, or a controlled intake of alkaline salt like baking soda.
The idea is to strike a pH balance as recommended on the chart below.
Normally, our urine pH should be between 6.5 to 8.0 pH.
Normally, our blood pH should be a bit higher than neutral; 7.41 pH is recommended.
Remember, the above values will be maintained automatically by your own body through a process known as homeostasis, and it is only during organ infection and energy depletion when this useful mechanism could fail, in which case the following intervention should become necessary.

Any acid can be neutralized with baking soda. With careful monitoring, your acidic blood pH can be normalized by taking in appropriate amount of baking soda solution, making the blood inhospitable to any parasite.
It is also being used in hospital patients intravenously when undergoing chemotherapy to protect them from excessive drug toxicity. So, why not bypass chemotherapy altogether?
70% of the doctors surveyed don’t even want to take chemotherapy in case they themselves are afflicted with cancer. In fact, they’d be better off using sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, and expect much higher survival rate as Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s 1000+ patients experienced first-hand…
Neutralizing Heavy Metal Intoxication
Another problem causing chemical intoxication is heavy metals, and there is a saner approach on how to effectively deal with them that isn’t subject to erratic availability once the gadget is already in your home.
This gadget is called ozonizer.

Ozonizer produces triatomic oxygen (known as ozone) on demand, and it is very useful in oxidizing or breaking down any metal upon contact. That is the reason why we need to put oil on any machinery to prevent them from exposure to oxygen in ambient air, thereby avoid oxidation or rusting.
If an entire metal train car disintegrates with constant exposure to air containing oxygen, why not the heavy metals causing cancer inside our body?
Ozone is triatomic oxygen; it has one unstable atom that readily attaches to other element to oxidize that same element. Ozone is produced in nature through lightning discharges, without which, we would have already drown from the pollutants we have emitted into the air we breathe.
It turns out we’re not only neutralizing heavy metals but can also suffocate any parasite just by ozonizing our drinking water. Parasites have smaller capacity for handling oxygen than the host.
Ozone is guaranteed to neutralize not just Ebola but all other viruses and beyond.
Moreover, we are also neutralizing acidity even further by the addition of more oxygen atoms into the whole equation.
So, how great would that be when components of the whole protocol work in complementary to each other to achieve a common objective?
Even better, the whole protocol is the most natural set of complementary treatments there is, i.e. baking soda, ozone, electricity, they all exist naturally.
Even our own pancreas is producing sodium bicarbonate to regulate acidity in our own digestive system, aside from producing insulin. When the pancreas is infected by parasites, it won’t be able to perform these functions effectively.
Diabetic patients should, therefore, explore the possibility of directly reinforcing the supply of sodium bicarbonate into their system, while actively electrocuting the worms colonizing their pancreas and nearby organs.
Parasite Neutralization
In 1903, Edison publicly electrocuted dozens of animals including an elephant to prove his point that Nikola Tesla’s alternating current is deadly and that his direct current power system is safer.
In the same process he also proved our thesis, i.e. if an animal as big as an elephant can be neutralized at will without chemical intoxication but by using electric current instead, why not use the same method with those tiny parasites lurking inside our own body?
We just need to know how to deliver the current into the parasites using the safest electrical tension, or voltage.

Unfortunately for Edison, he lost the “war of the currents” to the more economically and technically superior alternating current [AC] system that we still use to power our homes and run our industries today.
It is important to understand that when blood is freed from all types of parasites, more than 2000 neuropeptides will return, among them is interferon which interferes the growth of cancer cells. When this happens, the normal capability of the auto-immune system could return ensuring complete remission later on.
Allowing your own immune system to recover first and let it work naturally is always your best healthcare strategy.
One should also understand that having the blood thoroughly cleansed off from all parasites is just half of the task. Through a regular physical workout that suits your current physical condition, your blood must be delivered to all extremities and deep recesses of your body where it could perform its functions, i.e. deliver nutrients, detect presence of and neutralize parasites, extract wastes and toxins, more effectively.
Based on our own experience, the strategy fails only when patients take detoxification procedure for granted. Neutralizing parasites is the easy part; drinking ozonized water generously, doing regular physical exercise and avoiding defeatist attitude are hard for some patients, and they are bound to fail.
Electrocuting Parasites
There’s only one feasible way of neutralizing all types of parasites with one treatment, and that is the use of electric current, and we only need a weaker voltage to accomplish it, and not the dangerously high electrical pressure that Edison employed.
The smaller the parasite, the weaker the voltage needed to put the adversary into a devastating electric shock, giving ample time for the liver and kidneys to flush the parasite out of the system.
The beauty of this method is that, it won’t have adverse effects on our healthy blood cells and tissues, and it won’t discriminate any certain type of parasite. It neutralizes them all.
So, who needs to know what specific infection one might have?
Who needs undergoing radioactive diagnostics?
Just electrocute them all!

Realizing that you can electrocute all types of parasites on demand at the flip of a switch, for what do you need vaccines for?
Electrification of the blood alters the protein layer of any type of parasites flowing thereto, effectively neutralizing and preventing them from replicating any further until all of these parasites are flushed out through the liver and kidneys.
WARNING: It is very important to flush all toxins, e.g. neutralized parasites, out from the body before the next treatment session. This can be done by drinking generous amounts of ozonized water. Otherwise, permanent liver and kidney damage are to be expected due to the accumulation of neutralized parasites and other toxins clogging these organs.
So, don’t ever try this procedure if you are not fully committed to the whole protocol.
The proof is hard to ignore when you are experiencing it by yourself.
All chemicals and parasites can be neutralized at will using Elementary Science. When the body is freed from all primary causes of disease, i.e. quick replicating parasites and toxic chemicals, the body could focus more on the healing process and complete remission is thereby guaranteed, as what we have actually experienced, and the reason why Dr. Kaali was awarded a U.S. patent for the validity of such similar method.
As you can see from the left, Dr. Kaali was awarded with this US Patent 5188738 on February 23, 1993 for a method that could “attenuate any parasite including AIDS virus… but does not make the blood unfit for use in humans”, or doesn’t affect healthy human cells.
This is an official recognition that since 1993 there’s already a cure for AIDS, and yet somehow we haven’t heard the big news from the mainstream media . Why?
Let that sink in for a moment. Then, realize that both cancer and AIDS are just two sides of the same coin, i.e. both conditions manifest themselves when the immune system is finally defeated.
Of course, as can be expected from a medical doctor, he employed an invasive method of electrifying the blood during one implementation of his proven method of restoring the core component of the immune system to its full functionality.
There is, however, a smarter approach that won’t involve invasive blood extraction, and we have written an entire eBook describing, in non-technical terms, how you can effectively do it on your own, and all other information that you might need in order to implement the whole protocol successfully.
The advantage of these methods is very profound since we are not using prescription drugs, nor are these treatments invasive in nature, we are therefore not required by corporate law to be a medical doctor first before we can administer these treatments to anybody who’s willing to follow the protocol strictly.
Towards Healthcare Emancipation 2.x – Premium Edition
This eBook is written without the presumption of technical expertise from you. But if in case your confidence does fail, just print out the circuit schematic diagram and the parts list; buy those parts listed and give them all to a technician, or any technical hobbyist, or even a vocational student who would be very happy to assemble the gadgets for you, and you’ll never have to divulge what those devices are for.
Once your system is properly setup and ready for use, you won’t be spending too much resource for its continued operation. Battery recharging may only contribute a few pennies to your monthly bills.
Maximum treatment duration is only 2 hours per day, and you can move around your home while having the treatment, enjoy its privacy and the company of your loved ones.
If you follow the whole detoxification protocol religiously:
- by drinking generous amounts of ozonized water, and;
- absolute avoidance of all substances stipulated at the Precautions Table;
… a complete remission can be expected within the next three (3) months, or so, depending on the actual severity of your own condition.*
*This is based on the actual experience of the author who was suffering from hepatitis B infection and eventually, vasculitis for 24 years. He is now on his 7th year of being freed from the high cost of chemical drugs, from all types of “incurable” ailments, and most importantly, from all medical fear mongering.
Are these methods similar to that of Dr. Raymond Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark?
Absolutely not.
Both the Rife and Clark methods exploited the non-invasive advantage of high frequency electrical signals anchored on the principle of resonance. Yes, they sound complicated and they are indeed hard to implement and understand, especially for the layman. The only documented experts in those methods were the great pioneers themselves.
The methods described in the eBook are much simpler to understand, cheaper to implement and more effective, too, during actual treatment scenarios, as you will find them soon.
Anti-Viral System Benefits & Advantages
- non-chemo, non-toxic, no long-term side-effects
- non-herbal, non-consumable
- non-invasive, no blood contamination
- non-regressive, decisively effective
- transparent results, verifiable in 2-3 months
- do-it-yourself, complete privacy, no discrimination
- low overall costs, no financial risks
Other very notable benefits
When protocol is used beyond the treatment of primary ailments, you may enjoy the following benefits:
- Restoration of physical symmetry
- Full hair restoration
- Normalization of weight
- Normalization of blood pressure
- Quick healing and less scarring from open wounds
- Better skin texture
- Eradication of offensive odor and bad breath
- Reduces discomforts associated with menstruation
- Enhances reproductive health, i.e. may eliminate impotency
eBook Features
- easy to follow
- fully illustrated
- step-by-step instructions
- patented technologies
- even non-techie can do it
- project support through private email
- 100% money-back guarantee, 120 day coverage
- strict non-disclosure policy
This eBook has received quite a lot of favorable reviews from actual users as sampled below…
Due to the uncompromising efficiency of using electric current to neutralize all types of parasites, which should result to a very high volume of toxic neutralized parasites trapped in the liver and kidneys, you are required to start slowly, i.e. short treatment durations on the first two weeks, or so, depending on the actual severity of your condition. Gradually increase these treatment durations only when signs of detoxification failures, as described in the eBook, are not present.
Drink generous amounts of ozonized water daily. At least 95% of your own body is made up of water. So, just by drinking ozonized water alone you already win the battle. Electrocute the parasites and you’ll win the war.
Otherwise, don’t purchase this eBook if you are not willing to do so.
Detoxification failure leads to permanent liver and kidney damage. Be responsible.
Minimum ozonized water daily intake: 3.7 liters for men; 3 liters for women.
The patient should fully understand that the single most important component of the whole protocol is efficient detoxification and must be fully committed to its orderly implementation. Otherwise, the whole exercise would be a total failure even before it is started.
We are very grateful to all those who took their time to write us these reviews for both versions of the eBook. You’re all a great source of inspiration.
Thank you very much. Mabuhay!
I already read 125 pages the first night after I discovered your book. You saved me a lot of work! It is the type of book I wanted to write, so thanks for saving me the trouble.
…After I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago I started my research and turned down the allopathic therapies, although I was operated on twice because I could learn fast enough and was like everybody else naive. I see the big picture like you.Linda W.
I asked the question at an earlier date and you said it was O.K. I could do it myself but for the amount of pages i would rather take it to a printing company…
Book looks great i can’t imagine the time putting it all together, keep hungering for the truth.Curt
I like the new additions to the book. They make the information more user friendly.
I very much look forward to getting a copy of the alternative energy book you are working on. Any idea about a finish date?? Can you send me an e-mail notification when it is ready for purchase? That would be great. I am in the process of reading the new edition and digesting the new info. Great work!! Keep it up!!
Thanks for all your help!Tom
What a fantastic book, it is going to take me sometime to digest all the info, some of info I have known since 1974 and it is hard to show the sheep, what is going on, this book will help greatly in that endeavor. I need a hard physical address to donate, thank you.Henry R. F.
…on the 1st Edition
I am extremely impressed with the format, graphics, and pictures. This isn’t just text.. it’s a fully illustrated, well thought out and put together work of art.Russ
What you’ve created is an encyclopaedia of what it takes to live well and live long. Many thanks!Brian T, UK
…, I would like to thank you very much for this amazing book!!! I’ve read the whole thing in the last 2/3 days and must say it’s been very inspiring…Nolan L, UK
Thank you for all your time and effort. I have not finished the ebook yet. It is chocked full of excellent information and I am looking forward to getting the supplies and experimenting with this technology. When I get my disability check I’m going to send you some more of the paper money for I have shared this with a couple of people, I hope that is/was ok for they would have not bought it for themselves but now they are reading it. My dearest thanks to you, you are a true brother.In loving grace,David
Thank you for writing a book that covers so much great info in a way that simpletons like me can understand. I’m looking forward to the next book.Jason
I’m fully convinced about the technologies that you’ve presented and from hereon I will follow all your advice. They are very practical and everyone should be doing the same. Thank you very much for what you do.Lisa, Connecticut
Your research work is excellent and scientific. I am now practicing your recommendations. Thank you very much!Thomas Tong, Ph.D.
What I like most about this book is that, not only does it give you a complete picture of why the [medical] world is behaving like it is; it presents a very comprehensive yet uncomplicated solution. A solution that is inexpensive, everybody should be doing it as I am.
This is beyond healthcare freedom!
Ed, a million thanks to you. You are a lifesaver and a true brother indeed.Richard, Australia
Do you want to help your own body cure itself from any known and unknown diseases without using expensive antibiotics, radioactive diagnostics, and invasive surgeries, at the comfort and privacy of your own home?
Do you want to have your own Complete Non-Invasive DIY Anti-Viral System that doesn’t cost a limb to implement and is decisively effective in defeating all types of viral infections?
Do you want to help a kin or friend in dire healthcare need and feel ultimate joy for having done so?
Do you want a real healthcare insurance for the entire family?
Do you want to know what healthcare freedom is like?
For as long as you are genuinely looking for a decisive solution to finally end all fears related to healthcare, i.e. how you can defeat all diseases including those that are classified as “incurables”, this could be the answer.
Normal untreated blood can survive outside the human body for 4 days, or less. However, we found out that electrified blood can survive in a microscope slide for 57 days, leading us to coin the phrase — “immortal blood”!
Imagine what it could do where it matters… Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc.
Governments are Corporations. The Uniform Commercial Code [UCC], otherwise known as the Admiralty Law, commonly known as Corporate Laws that govern most countries today prohibit us from making any therapeutic claims. Fortunately, we don’t need to do so.
The key to the successful implementation of this protocol is the removal of all toxins including those that resulted from parasite electrification, i.e. neutralized parasites, prior to the next treatment session. The accumulation of neutralized parasites in your liver and kidneys will lead to permanent organ damage, that could be avoided by drinking generous amounts of ozonized water to detoxify your body as absolutely required.
Obviously, we can’t do the detoxification for you. Start slowly, i.e. short time durations for electrification during the initial stage. Short electrification time means less volume of neutralized parasites. Be responsible. You are now in full control of your own health.
If you have fully understood and have agreed with the foregoing discussions, faithfully followed and performed the necessary procedures as described herein and in the eBook, Towards Healthcare Emancipation 2.x – Premium Edition, you will be the one making those therapeutic claims soon.