
CDS cured more then 100 people from Covid-19

CDS is MMS Chlorine Dioxide dissolved in distilled water. A very powerful substance to fight and kill viruses and bacteria. You can make it easily yourself when you have MMS. MMS you can get here: https://fullercarbon.com But not sure if they still sell it.

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What Are the Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth?


Diatomaceous earth is a unique type of sand that consists of fossilized algae. It has been mined for decades and has numerous industrial applications. More recently, it has appeared on the market as a dietary supplement, promoted as having several health benefits. This article takes a detailed look at diatomaceous […]

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Andreas Kalcker mms Sakshin

The cure for covid-19 already exist. Andreas Kalcker interviewed about chlorine dioxide as a lifesaving therapy for humanity

Every intelligent person is already aware that the pharma-controlled medical establishment and lamestream media rolled out a coordinated smear campaign against hydroxychloroquine to crush the clinical trials and destroy all hope of an effective, low-cost treatment for covid-19. The goal, of course, is to clear the way for high-profit prescription […]

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Jim Humble

Jim Humble’s Newsletter about Corona

MMS Coronavirus Update (COVID-19) Hello, I first discovered that MMS (chlorine dioxide) can help people recover their health, 24 years ago. Since that time more than 2 million people have recovered their health from just about all known diseases, in a total of about 175 different countries. Many people are […]

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Jim Humble

The MMS Manual by Jim Humble

You can view or download the MMS Manual here: mms_health_recovery_guidebook_1_october_2016.pdf Please pay for a copy to Jim Humble if you think it is valuable information, to keep up his amazing work.

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NaClo2 MMS

NaClo2 MMS

Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) What is it? Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) is a double bond stabilized oxygen also known as stabilized chlorine dioxide that breaks down into salt.  Sodium chlorite is very alkaline and stable.  While it destroys all anaerobic microbes and parasites, it does not damage the beneficial lactobacteria of our intestinal flora. The only […]

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Interview andreas kalcker proect camelot


I distilled some highlights out of his interview below. ANDREAS KALCKER is a Swiss bio physicist who studied the working of Naclo2 (MMS) for 13 years. Please read the many positive reviews below the video on Youtube. Chloride dioxide (Clo2) is wordlwide used for the following purposes: It is used […]

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mms explanation

MMS is not Bleach

MMS is a different from Bleach as Bleach is from salt. -Jim Humble. Unactivated MMS = Sodium Cholide. Activator is citric acid or 4% Hydrochloric acic. Once activated it is MMS.

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